Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Giant Mechanized Fighting Robots II and Other Vehicles


Continuing on now with the painting process photos for my kitbashed votoms, as well as several other vehicles and things.

After priming, I used a "poor man's airbrush", aka a Mouth Atomizer. I first discovered this tool when I was reading about the illustration techniques of Ralph Steadman. It's something he would use for the chaotic splatters which give his works their incredible energy.

Turns out Blick carries them for like 5 bucks, and you were born with the air compressor.

I used liquitex inks more or less straight from the bottle. Umber and Sienna first for the rust effects and bases.

I used some silly putty to mask certain areas. The only kind they had at the store was the stinky kind. Would not recommend.

You can see the pieces of destroyed robot in the foreground here.

I also splattered some white ink with a toothbrush for additional chaos.

Here's the robot "in repose". These were to be objective markers for one of the games. Characters could take control of a robot by seizing this objective and successfully powering up the charging array.

This is a fun one. This was an "Eggplane" kit from, I think, Hasegawa. I really like the look of super-deformed stuff, and I think with some creative augmentation, they can make for great stylized far future models. And by "creative", I mostly mean I glued this one to a superglue bottle. I opted not to mask the cockpit glass, since the masking wouldn't be very precise. I decided instead to scratch away the paint to get a dirty "been through the atmosphere a few hundred times" kind of look. (This model was meant to represent a private surface-to-orbit shuttle craft.)

Bots unmasked.

This was an old build from a CSW scratchbuild night. Also another entry in the "where did Mattias hide the pieces of his guncannon kit?" scavenger hunt.

All the pieces after mouth-atomizing. Next comes the brushwork.

Went for complimentary schemes on these so that the bots could be fielded as either the same force or opposing forces.

Used lots of drybrushing to desaturate the colors and give a weathered look.

The 'plex on the shuttle is probably good for at least a few more re-entries.

And finally some glamour shots of what I think I have already mentioned is now possibly my favorite model in my collection:

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